Warning: This ticket shop is currently in test mode.

Please do not perform any real purchases as your order might be deleted without notice.

To view your shop at different points in time, you can enable the time machine.

Note: Your personal data will be processed by the organizers (Loovent) and Sponsors of ContainerDay Manufacturing for your participation at the event. Loovent and all Sponsors are jointly responsible for the data processing concerning your attendance at the event. You may receive marketing communications from Loovent and the Sponsors about other events and services. You may object to receiving marketing communications at any time by using the subscription link disposed in the marketing mails or sending your request directly to info@loovent.com or to the Sponsor concerned. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy, especially paragraph 4 & 5.


This page details the privacy measures on the side of pretix.eu, the technical provider of this ticket shop. Additional privacy policies might be relevent on the side of the event's organizer that also has access to your data.

Privacy is a priority to us. Whenever possible, we try to collect and retain as little data about you as possible. On this page, we explain what data we collect and who can access it. We want to note that every communication on the internet can have security vulnerabilities. A onehundred percent protection of your data is not possible, but we try to achieve the highest possible standards to protect your data.

We'll forward all information you entered during the order process to the organizer of the event. Please contact the event organizer to obtain their privacy policy.

All data is always transmitted using up-to-date encryption between your browser and our servers as well as between our servers.

If you buy a ticket, we use cookies to enhance the ordering process and to remember that your carts belong to you. If you buy tickets from multiple different organizers, we never track your visit across events and never correlate this data. We do not track IP addresses, browsers, referers or any other unnecessary metadata.

All our servers are located in Germany and we are subject to German data protection laws.

Our team has access to your data for technical reasons. We will only use this access to find and solve errors in case of a support request.

If you specify an email address from Outlook or similar providers, we might route all email to you via rapidmail, an german email provider, since Outlook tends to reject direct emails from us as spam.

If you click a link in an email we sent you about a ticket order for the first time, we store the information that your email address appears to work. We do not store anything else about that click and we do not use that information for automated behaviour, it's just useful when debugging issues.

When you reach a ticket shop through a campaign link, we will use cookies to tell the organizer which campaign link you clicked so the organizer can know how effective their marketing methods are.

This event organizer uses Google Analytics to understand how users interact with the shop. Google Analytics uses cookies to track your visit across the page. The generated information is transmitted to servers of Google in the United States. Before being transmitted to the US, your IP address is anonymized by stripping the last digits on servers of Google within the European Union. Only in rare cases will the raw IP address transmitted to US servers and anonymized there before being stored. The IP addresses collected through Google Analytics will not be correlated with other datasets Google has.

You can click here to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking for all events hosted on this domain or download a browser extension here to permanently opt-out of Google Analytics on all web pages.

This event organizer uses a tracking pixel by Twitter Inc.. This way, your behaviour can be tracked if you reached the ticket shop through an advertising on Twitter and allows for statistical analysis and optimization of the advertising strategy. Twitter stores the data and can use them subject to its privacy policy. Twitter uses cookies for this purpose.

You can click here to opt-out of Twitter tracking for all events hosted on this domain.

This event organizer uses a tracking pixel by Facebook Inc.. This way, your behaviour can be tracked if you reached the ticket shop through an advertising on Facebook and allows for statistical analysis and optimization of the advertising strategy. The collected data is only accessible to the organizer in an anonymized way. Facebook, however, stores the data and can use them subject to its privacy policy. Facebook uses cookies for this purpose.

You can click here to opt-out of Facebook tracking for all events hosted on this domain.

This event organizer uses a tracking pixel by LinkedIn Inc.. This is usually used to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and unlock additional insights about members interacting with the organizer's LinkedIn adverts. The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables the collection of metadata such as IP address information, timestamp, and events such as page views. All data is encrypted. The LinkedIn browser cookie is stored in a visitor's browser until they delete the cookie or the cookie expires (there's a rolling six-month expiration from the last time the visitor's browser loaded the Insight Tag). You can find more information on the LinkedIn website.

You can click here to opt-out of LinkedIn tracking for all events hosted on this domain or go to your LinkedIn settings to permanently opt-out of LinkedIn tracking on all web pages.

This event organizer uses a tracking snippet by HubSpot, Inc.. This is usually used to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and unlock additional insights about members interacting with the organizer's HubSpot adverts. The HubSpot tracker enables the collection of metadata such as IP address information, timestamp, and events such as page views. The HubSpot browser cookie is stored in a visitor's browser until they delete the cookie or the cookie expires (usually one year). You can find more information on the HubSpot website.

You can click here to opt-out of HubSpot tracking for all events hosted on this domain.

If you opt-out of being tracked by a tracking provider, we will store your opt-out in a cookie as well. This cookie is valid in your browser for 10 years and does not allow us to identify you in any way, since it only contains the fact that you opted out.

If you pay using bank transfer, your bank and the organizer's bank will have knowledge of meta information on your order.

If you pay using PayPal, payment-relevant meta information is shared with PayPal.You can view their privacy policy here.

If you pay using Stripe, payment-relevant meta information is shared with Stripe. You can view their privacy policy here. Please note: if you pay by credit card, the last four digits of your credit card number are stored on our server.

We are happy to answer any questions on this topic at support@pretix.eu.